Finding Object IDs

When you build queue queries or certain conditional expressions, you need to include object IDs to indicate what you are searching for. Skills, groups, flows, and tenants all have UUIDs (universal unique identifier) that you might use in your queries or conditional expressions. You can find these unique identifiers in the object's URL in CxEngage.

User, Skill, and Group IDs

  1. Click User Management.
  2. Click either Users, Skills, or Groups depending on which ID you want.
  3. Click the name of the relevant user, skill, or group name in the list.
  4. Find the ID of the user, skill, or group after "?id=" in the URL in your browser's address bar.

    For example, if the URL for a skill is, the skill ID is 2dbf3870-660e-11e5-82f1-c1ae7ae4ed37.

Flow ID

  1. Go to Flows > Flows.
  2. Click the name of the relevant flow in the list.
  3. Find the ID of the flow after "?id=" in the URL in your browser's address bar.

    For example, if the URL for a flow is, the flow ID is 0bf15c00-7734-11e5-a6e2-c1ae7ae4ed37.

Tenant ID

  1. Go to Configuration > Tenants.
  2. In the list of tenants, click the relevant tenant name in the list to open the tenant details panel.
  3. Find the tenant ID under Details in Tenant ID.

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